

home | dni | xxxtra

19 ⚣ he/him, pdx

to my favorite liar

favs ♡

p. stump, mikey fuckin way, gabey baby, + ryro ♡ i am sooo normal ab them

fav band!
fall out boy

average annoying homosexy fobbie
a few bands i also love: mcr, presplit p!atd, cobra starship, tai..., midtown, the used, korn, ptv, gym class heroes, etc. im too lazy to list!



home | dni | xxxtra

under 15
• basic dni criteria (racist, lgbtphobe, ableist, etc.)
• brendon urie stans
• waycest shippers?!
• shtwt + edtwt



home | dni | xxxtra

i dread human contact but cant stand to sleep alone